Sunday, November 13, 2011

Middle School Classroom Policies and Procedures



Language Arts and Social Studies Classes

Grading Policy

Daily Work    =  50% of grade

Major Work  =  50% of grade

I define major work as tests, quizzes, projects, papers, or presentations. Some major work assignments can count for up to two major grades. Daily work is anything that is not a major grade.

Classroom Rules: Students are expected to adhere to the Student Handbook as well as these classroom rules:

1. Show respect.
2. Come prepared.
3. Follow directions.

No gum, electronics, or cell phones!: Please refer to the student handbook for more details regarding electronics and cell phones. Gum is not allowed anywhere on campus, including outside during lunch or p.e.

Discipline Policy: It is my responsibility to make sure my classroom is a safe and welcoming learning environment for EVERY student. Therefore, I do not tolerate disruptive or disrespectful students in my class. If a student disrupts my class, I will take one or more of the following steps:

a. Remind the student of the classroom rules
b. Ask the student to sign the Conduct Book.
c. Ask the student to sign the Conduct Book and assign a silent lunch
d. Ask the student to sign the Conduct Book and refer the student to the office.

I will always notify parents of behavior and classroom issues with students.

Absence Policy and Make-up Work: You have the number of days you were absent to complete and turn in all make up work. (Four days absent=four days for make-up work). If you are absent the day a major project or presentation is due, you must turn in the project or presentation immediately upon returning.

Late Work Policy: I do not accept late work. I do not accept late work. I do not accept late work.

Retake Policy: I do not give extra credit. If you don’t do well on an assignment, daily or major, I will allow you to make it up for full credit. This policy does not include multi-step projects, group work/projects, speeches, or writing assignments for which it is assumed you’ve had ample time to prepare.

Classwork Requirements: You are required to keep track of current work in your classroom folder. (Red is for language arts, blue is for social studies). All notes taken should be stored in your folder as well. You are also required to keep graded work until the end of the nine weeks. You may not draw or doodle on your folder. It is not an expression of who you are as a person. It is a storehouse for your notes and work. It must be neat and organized at all times.

Assignment Formats: You may ONLY use blue or black ink on your work. Your work must be legible. If I cannot read your work, I will return it to you and you must re-copy it legibly. All NO NAME papers or papers with incorrect/incomplete headings will receive an automatic 10 point grade deduction.

Cleaning the Room: You will ensure that the room is clean before leaving class. This includes all trash around your desk is picked up, desk rows are straightened, and supplies are returned to their correct places.